Blazing fast Edge Computing

TagoCore is a free, fast, and open-source IoT platform for edge computing

Database Support

TagoCore supports more than 10 different databases through plugins.
~/ $ tagocore plugin-search database
* TagoCore supports a variety of databases, * yet some are still in active development.
- SQLite (installed)
- PostgreSQL
- MongoDB
- MariaDB
- SQL Server
- Amazon Redshift
- Amazon RDS
- Oracle
- ...and many others

To install a database, run the command:
> tagocore plugin-install <name>

Add the missing piece

You can build your very own plugins that are able to perform any kind of task in the system, such as adding different types of parsers, options, and screens. Learn how to build plugins.
Create your own Plugin
~/plugin $ tagocore plugin-template
This utility will walk you through creating a TagoCore plugin.
Name: my-plugin
Version: 1.0.0
Description: This is my first plugin
License: ISC
Author: John Doe

✔ Done - Happy editing!

Free and open-source

We believe that great things should be accessible to everyone through open source code.
You can go beyond with our premium TagoCore Support!
With TagoCore Support you can ask questions directly to our team of experts ready to help you. Get in touch!

And it runs anywhere!

On the edge

Deploy a TagoCore instance and compute data on the edge with a Raspberry Pi, Rock Pi, or many others, such as one of these gateways from ours partners:

On the cloud

Set up TagoCore on cloud providers such as AWS, Google Cloud, Azure, and others! Deploy an instance and operate from far away.
TagoCore includes a work-in-all-providers cluster mode by allowing TagoIO to manage the instances
You can easily set-up TagoCore inside docker containers to build a containerized application
Visit the official TagoCore image

Operating systems

Run it on all major operating systems available today. Windows, Linux, or macOS: it doesn't matter, we've got you covered.

Download TagoCore

Available for Linux, MacOS and Windows.